Euphoria Catnip Star Stick – Euphoria toys, enriched with catnip and silvervine that will make your cat happy and relaxed. Seeing is believing!
The cat will then enter a state of total relaxation, thereby improving its well-being.
Does your cat lick, chew or drool when in contact with the toy? Don’t worry, this is normal!
AWAKEN ITS FELINE INSTINCT: the cat is an intelligent predator and it is important to motivate it and make it express its nature and interests through play. Toys with catnip and/or silvervine stimulate the cat more.
CAT WELL-BEING: catnip and silvervine stimulate the cat more, making it more active and trained, contributing to its physical well-being, which is very important especially in cases of obesity or a sedentary lifestyle.
STRESS RELIEF: the natural components contained in catnip and silvervine help relieve your cat’s stress and make it feel more relaxed after use.
DENTAL CARE: helps improve oral hygiene by preventing plaque and bad breath.