Complete and well-balanced dog food for adult dogs
Happy life Essential consists of easily digestible and tasty chunks. It is a complete, balanced meal that contains all the nutrients your dog needs
cereals, meat and animal derivatives (chicken 10%), derivatives of vegetable origin, vegetables, seeds, oils and fats, minerals
protein 25.0%, fat content 12.0%, crude fibre 2.5%, crude ash 7.5%, calcium 1.5%, phosphorus 1.0%, sodium 0.4%
vitamin A 21450 IU, vitamin D3 1950 IU, vitamin E 156 mg, 3b103 (iron) 161 mg, 3b202 (iodine) 2.5 mg, 3b405 (copper) 6 mg, 3b502 (manganese) 50 mg, 3b605 (zinc) 86 mg, 3b607 (zinc) 10 mg, 3b801 (selenium) 0.16 mg
antioxidants, clinoptilolite of sedimentary origin 10 g/kg