Grain-free dog food – chicken – all breedsWith Opti Life Prime Adult Chicken you give your dog an incredibly rich and delicious premium meal, packed with powerful nutrients. Our grain-free recipe is rich in proteins and fats and low in carbohydrates, with the ideal mix of the highest quality, tasty and natural ingredients, for a day full of adventure.
We use a grain-free formula, with dietary fibres and prebiotics (FOS), for optimal digestion
With extra taurine to support the heart.
Our recipe is packed with natural antioxidants (rosemary, green tea, etc.) and extra vitamin E that give your dog a real boost and ensure optimal resistance.
chicken (dehydrated 46%), potato (15%), peas, animal fat, linseed, vegetable fibres (cellulose 2%), hydrolysed animal proteins, brewer’s yeast, salmon oil, minerals, dried whole eggs, FOS (0.3%), lecithin, sea algae (Ascophyllum nodosum), glucosamine 250 mg/kg, turmeric, rosemary (14 mg/kg), tagetes, green tea (10 mg/kg)
protein 38.0% (*84.0% animal protein in the total protein content), fat content 20.0%, crude ash 8.5%, crude fibre 3.0%, calcium 1.3%, phosphorus 1.0%, taurine 1700 mg/kg
vitamin A 17874 IU, vitamin D3 1625 IU, vitamin E 500 mg, 3b103 (iron) 201 mg, 3b202 (iodine) 3.1 mg, 3b405 (copper) 8 mg, 3b502 (manganese) 63 mg, 3b605 (zinc) 108 mg, 3b607 (zinc) 13 mg, 3b801 (selenium) 0.2 mg, β-carotene 1 mg, biotin 1 mg
antioxidants: tocopherols 20 mg/kg, clinoptilolite of sedimentary origin: 10 g/kg
Always provide plenty of fresh drinking water.