A Schesir recipe based on real chicken fillets, to give your cat all the pleasure of the finest meats. The dish is in jelly format, to satisfy cats who prefer a natural flavour, but with a more compact consistency in the bowl.
You can serve Schesir Chicken Fillets up to twice a day: pair it with our complete wet and/or dry foods and give your cat a rich and appetizing taste experience! After opening, store the product in the refrigerator and use it within 48 hours. Serve at room temperature.
The packaging of Schesir Chicken Fillets is made of PET and aluminium, and it can be recycled if placed in the appropriate containers. Always remember to consult the rules of your municipality for separate waste collection!
Supplement your pet's diet with Schesir's complete wet and dry foods, for a balanced nutrition brimming with flavour and energy!